On the Move (OTM) and PRACTICS, two major European key players in supporting the trans-border mobility of artists and cultural operators, organise a joint press conference in Budapest on May 19th at 10.30 a.m. to call for improved conditions for trans-border mobility of artists, culture operators and arts worldwide.
The press conference takes place the same day when EU Ministers of Culture meet in Brussels to adopt an EU recommendation on supporting information to mobile artists, asking EU Member States and the Commission to facilitate the provision of complete and accurate information to artists and culture professionals seeking to be mobile within the EU:
OTM and PRACTICS warmly welcome this recommendation, but call upon the EU and national decision makers to step up further efforts and to significantly improve the conditions for culture mobility. OTM and PRACTICS ask the EU and EU Member States to:
– Improve substantially the regulatory conditions of mobility of artists and culture operators, and in particular to abolish restrictive visa rules for artists and culture operators coming from outside of the EU, especially the Mediterranean countries;
– Ensure sufficient funding for culture mobility, in particular through EU funding programmes, which support mobility of individuals and small-scale culture projects, inside Europe and between Europe and the Mediterranean countries. OTM and PRACTICS are actively supporting the we are more campaign calling for improved and increased support to culture from the EU (www.wearemore.eu/campaign).
Following this joint press conference, OTM will hold in Budapest a seminar on culture mobility on 19th and 20th May, bringing together major European projects to share experiences on how to further improve and stimulate mobility for artists and operators. The seminar also aims to create useful synergies within the cultural sector for future joint mobility projects.