Ramdom is an association for social development, focused on cultural and artistic production, based at the KORA Contemporary Arts Center. It aims to design and create contemporary art projects on a global scale. Its activities include exhibitions, public art productions, residencies, workshops and live performances.
Ramdom was awarded the 6th, 8th, 10th and 12th edition of the Italian Council with their projects rs548049170_1_69869_TT (The Other Shapes of Me) by the artist Emilio Vavarella (2019), Tools for Imagination by the artist Céline Condorelli (2020), Ex Situ by the artist Luigi Coppola for the 7th edition of the Lubumbashi Biennale (Congo) entitled Toxicity (2021) and La Desinenza Estinta by Lucia Veronesi. Ramdom also partners with Fluxo, a project initiated by artist Alessandro Sciarroni and produced by Arthub. Fluxo was awarded the 9th edition (2020) of the Italian Council,
Since July 2021, the association has been managing KORA, a space for contemporary art production and research, housed within the 1600 square meters of the historic Palazzo De Gualtieriis in Castrignano de’ Greci. It hosts a gallery with both permanent and temporary exhibitions, a library as well as artistic residences and creative and educational workshops.
The centre also functions as a space for conferences, events, performances and live shows. Since 2022, Ramdom has been receiving the public fund FUS 2022-24 in the field of music with their project Ogni Altro Suono. Ramdom is recognized as a Cultural Institution by the Ministry of Culture in accordance with Article 8 of the law no. 534, October 17, 1996.
Ramdom is also one of the founders of STARE, the association for Italian artistic residencies, and the European Network of Cultural Centres.