The ex-tobacco manufacture Archiviazioni, located in the countryside of Lecce, hosted saturday the D-Day party organized by RAMDOM association. The evening proposed different moments and artistic interventions, starting from the opening of the first Italian solo exhibition “Who draws the line?” by Turkish artist Devrim Kadirbeyoğlu and curated by Giusy Checola. Taking inspiration from the Visa Hotline Project, the artist created a temporary installation denoucing the uneasiness of Turkish citizens who wait for a European visa. Devrim used limestone earth from the Canal of Fano (Salve, Lecce) to compose ephemeral message, extracted from the immigrants’ complaints. Their words, imprinted on the floor using stencils, were partially deleted by the public steps. The statements inspired the lyrics composed by Gianluca De Rubertis and Alberto Piccinni and performed by the chorus Lorenzo Perosi di Matino. The musicians performed afterwards, in the courtyard of Archiviazioni, a live-media in collaboration with visual artist Luca Coclite, who created a video-intervention using surveillance cameras and calling into question space and borders.
The evening was concluded by the involving music selection by Dj Sonda.