Abitare l’Arte, the italian artistic residences’ event

Ramdom association is invited to participate in the national meeting about artistic residence “Abitare l’arte”, an event organized by Distretto Culturale di Valle Camonica at Palazzo della Cultura di Breno the next 11th November 2017.

The director and founder of the association, Paolo Mele, will attend the meeting to make known Ramdom’s experience into the artistic residence field, such as the project Until the end of the sea -Sino alla fine del mare, a six-month residence in Capo di Leuca territory (Lecce, Italy) in which participate four young artists under 35, the Lands End Festival or the project Extreme Lands Investigation (Indagine sulle Terre Estreme).

During the meeting, artistic experiences from different territories will be compared. Furthermore, the event program includes some significant professional interventions in the cultural and artistic field, such as Andrea Rossi, professor at IULM University (Milano), who will talk about cultural marketing, tourism and territorial development.

Simona Ferrarini, Councilor of Culture and Tourism of the Montana Community of Valle Camonica, Giorgio Azzoni, artistic director open_art on the border, and Barbara Oteri and Beatrice Oleari, both members of FARE, are some of the other cultural personalities that will take an active part in Abitare l’Arte event.

Among other residences invited to this meeting are: Open Air (Latronico, Potenza), Aperto_art on the border (Valle Camonica), Asylum (Ameno, Novara), Bienno Borgo degli artisti (Breno, Valle Camonica), Urban Bivacco (Guilmi, Chieti), boundaries (Limosano, Campobasso), The Blank (Bergamo), Viaindustriae (Foligno, Perugia).

Abitare l’Arte it is promoted by Distretto Culturale di Valle Camonica and it is part of the project AIR-artinresidence/FARE.

Here there is the event program!