Registered Office – Via San Francesco d’Assisi 15
73034 Gagliano del Capo, LE
Operational Headquarters– KORA, Via Vittorio Emanuele 19
73020 Castrignano de’ Greci, LE
CF 90035860759 / P.IVA 04728890759
Text of the decree – law 8 August 2013, n. 91 (in the Official Journal – general series – n. 186 of 9 August 2013), coordinated with the conversion law of 7 October 2013, n. 112 (in this same Official Journal on page 1), containing: “Urgent provisions for the protection, valorisation and relaunch of cultural assets and activities and tourism.” (13A08109) (GU n.236 of 8-10-2013) In force on: 8-10-2013
Article 9
Urgent provisions to ensure the transparency, simplification and effectiveness of the public contribution system for live entertainment and cinema.
Entertainment institutions and organisations, financed from the Single Entertainment Fund referred to in law 30 April 1985, n. 163, or pursuant to law 23 December 1996, n. 662, and subsequent amendments, publish and update the following information relating to the holders of top administrative and artistic positions and managerial positions, for any reason conferred, as well as collaboration or consultancy:
a) the details of the deed of assignment of the assignment;
b) the curriculum vitae;
c) compensation, however named, relating to the employment, consultancy or collaboration relationship.
Paolo Mele
Appointed by deed dated 03/23/2021, Shareholders’ Meeting
Term of office: 3 financial years (expires 03/23/2024)
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Vice President
Annapaola Presta
Appointed by deed dated 03/23/2021, Shareholders’ Meeting
Term of office: 3 financial years (expires 03/23/2024)
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Claudio Zecchi
Appointed by deed dated 03/23/2021, Shareholders’ Meeting
Term of office: 3 financial years (expires 03/23/2024)
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Artistic Director
Donato Epiro
Appointment conferred with appointment of the Board of Directors on 1/07/2021 (until revocation).
Gross compensation €7,800.00
Information obligations for public grants: State aid and de minimis aid received by our company are contained in the National State Aid Register referred to in art. 52 of Law 234/2012. In accordance with the provisions of Law 124/2017, information relating to public contributions received by RAMDOM APS is published below under the heading contributions.
PUBLICATION PURSUANT TO LAW N. 124/2017 art. 1 paragraphs 125-127