Opening on 2 December, 7.00 p.m. Parla del Tuo Villaggio [2]/ Paint Your Own Village [2] , in its second set up, at KORA – Centro del Contemporaneo, in the spaces of Palazzo Baronale De Gualtieriis in Castrignano de’ Greci.
The exhibition, curated by Paolo Mele and Claudio Zecchi, is the second of three installations that will take place over the course of the year (July 22 – June 23). Intended to investigate the theme of inhabit, it develops an articulated vision through a plural body of voices in different formats including masterclasses, talks, projections and performances.
If the previous staging and the inauguration of the permanent work by the artist duo Bianco-Valente, which gives the exhibition its title, opened up the reflection on what it means to do cultural practices in a liminal area, the second one further deepens the theoretical basis that structures the route.
With reference to the two texts Utopie realizzabili (1974) by Yona Friedman and Aldilà delle isole galleggianti (1985) by Eugenio Barba, the artists’ works contribute to investigating the possible utopian drive that resides in small groups, marginal movements and the strength of collective work.
Just like the first installation, the second will feature works that have already been produced and readapted for the occasion, as well as new productions specially designed for the occasion. The new works by Ruth Beraha, Riccardo Giacconi, Roberto Fassone and Ugo La Pietra, integrate and strengthen that narrative and staging dimension that De Mattia’s Fatterelli and According to Some by Polyviou and Alfatih had already hinted at in the first staging. This element is of fundamental importance if we consider the cultural context in which the work is staged: an area in which both Griko, a language that derives from ancient Greek and has come down to us through oral transmission, and the certainty of the sources constantly call into question the relationship between reality and narrative.
The work by Polyviou and Alfatih, which closes the exhibition, opens a bridge to the third and final display in which the utopian dimension will finally find a strong position. Ugo La Pietra’s Cultura balneare, which will be returned in the form of a narrative device composed of photographs, notes and books, is in particular a project that will be exhibited for the first time in an Italian institution. Realised in the 1980s, Cultura balneare is a project that links the work La Pietra did in the 1960s when he travelled the “urban peripheries” in search of “marginal cultures”.

Here << a series of exhibitions and seminars brought to his attention the behaviours, forms, signs of an “autonomous culture”, such as the bathing culture, capable of producing a system of signs where he found further suggestions for his drawings, paintings and objects ( >>.
In continuity with the previous exhibition, Parla del tuo Villaggio will also last for one year: 21 July 2022 – June 2023.

The second exhibition will run until 16 April
Artists in the exhibition:
Bianco-Valente, Ruth Beraha, Filippo Berta, Carlos Casas, Luigi Coppola, Giuseppe De Mattia, Alessandra Eramo, Roberto Fassone, Riccardo Giacconi, Ugo La Pietra, Andrea Nacciarriti, Theodoulos Polyviou and Alfatih.

KORA, c/o Palazzo De Gualtieris, Castrignano de’ Greci (Lecce)
Via Vittorio Emanuele, 19
info: – 366 319 9532